(610) 212-9440 [email protected]

As a local tutoring company we are constantly trying to make connections, help out wherever we can, and immerse ourselves in the community.  We feel that a great way to get to know the families in your area is to go to events and put yourself out there!  There is nothing better than going to an event and current clients recognize you, say hello, and new faces introduce themselves.

Teacher Time To Go is a “travel to you” tutoring company providing Individualized Tutoring, Homework Help, Test Prep, Enrichment Services, Special Education Support, and Executive Functioning/Organizational Skills for students PreK-12th college.  We serve the greater Philadelphia area in person and many other locations virtually. We have a team of 90+ tutors, a mix of classroom teachers, graduate students, retired teachers, rising educators, and specialists in their field. 

  We wanted to share some spring community service events and initiatives that we have participated in with the hopes of this helping you get involved too.  We have seen so much value and wanted to pass it along.

Healthy Kids Running Series

Each spring, Teacher Time To Go sponsors a race series location.  It was one of the best 6 weeks as the spring weather is here, families are out and about, and kids are getting movement and exercise in.

The mission of Healthy Kids Running Series is to engage communities and families by providing an inclusive youth running experience, inspiring kids to believe in themselves and lead an active healthy lifestyle.

We provide snacks, giveaways, and educational consults to families and we love being invited to participate every year!

Floral & Hardy Easter Egg Hunt

We love a beautiful spring day, and its even more special when we have a community event to attend.  This year, we partnered with Floral & Hardy, a family-owned garden center and gift shop located in the heart of Skippack Village.  

Each year they provided a free easter egg hunt for kids up to 10 years old.  250 children and families come for this fun filled morning to find over 2500+ eggs.  Our company was there to help with the operations, distribute giveaways, and talk to families about all things academic and educational.

PSSA Free Workshop

Each year, our company provides a free 6 week test prep course for students getting ready for the spring exams.  In Pennsylvania, the test is called the PSSA (Pennsylvania System of School Assessment) and students in grades 3-8 are required to take it.  

During our 6 week workshop, we have our certified teachers lead the sessions and provide test taking strategies, provide individualized and small group learning, and specific subject area content and review to help the students best prepare.

We offer this as a free service as a way to support the local community. Although free to students, we do pay and make sure our tutors are compensated for their time and expertise.

In closing, we encourage you to get out there, put yourself in a new situation, and become part of the community.  You will be so glad you did!



Owner of Teacher Time To Go