Dear Family & Friends,

Every year for Hanukkah, my grandpa would give each of his grandchildren a card that read: “while it is nice to receive, it is even better to give back.”  For the past 30 years, we have gotten the exact same card from him (yes, he re-uses the cards every year haha).  As a family, we would decide a charity that was important to us and half of the money would go towards the charity.  This activity has always stuck with me, in whatever I do, wherever I go, I always remember to give back.  

Part of my goal in starting Teacher Time To Go, was to continue giving back and to help others less fortunate.  This is why I am so excited to announce that Teacher Time To Go has partnered with Pencils of Promise, a “for-purpose” organization that builds schools around the world. Together with Pencils of Promise, our goal is to build a school in Ghana.  Currently, these children are learning from huts with no running water and no electricity.  When it rains, there is no school for days.  When it’s hot, the sun beats down on the kids and learning is pretty much nonexistent.  

Our fundraising goal is $50,000 and we need your help!  This will include EVERYTHING!  From the structural building of the entire school, to the furniture (desks/tables/chairs) and supplies the kids need to learn.  The school will also be equipped with sanitation stations, bathrooms, and a lunch hall for the students.  

$50,000 is a LOT of money and I recognize this is not an “overnight” project.  We have set a goal date of April 2021—and every contribution counts (no matter how big or small).  Our hope is to break ground in the Spring of 2021!   

As a company, I have organized that a portion of EVERY tutoring session will go directly towards this charitable initiative.  I am also in the process of planning additional events to spread awareness and raise money (socially distanced of course). 

I’d love you to learn about this amazing organization and see how you can be part of something huge.  Thank you all for your support and I will continue to keep you updated as we get closer to our goal! On the campaign page you will see a meter of our progress and I encourage you to follow along on this journey!

I hope that this story inspires you to give back and make a difference in the lives of others!

So Grandpa, this school is in your honor.  For your kindness, your love, and your generosity to your family; your kids, your grandkids, and the generations to come.   

Here is a link to our campaign

To learn more about Pencils of Promise and how you can help, click the link in my donation page.  Every dollar counts.  So please share with friends, friends of friends, family and family friends <3

Mark my world – you WILL be changing kids lives forever.  Thank you for your support!

