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Winter is a time where you can find yourself and your children stuck in the house a lot! Feeling a little stir crazy? Here are some fun winter activities that will keep everyone entertained and engaged.

Ice Sensory Bin 

Now we’ve all heard of water play but how about ice play? This unique idea from https://happytoddlerplaytime.com/frozen-caps/ can provide a lot of opportunities for problem solving. What is there to do with all of those pouch caps anyway? Now you can save them, throw them in an ice cube tray with some water and freeze them to create your child’s own archeological experience! Supply your child with different tools and see if they can find a way to excavate the bottle caps from the ice!

Snow Globes

This snow globe idea from https://www.messylittlemonster.com/2018/12/diy-snow-globe.html?m=1 is made so easy by Messy Litte Monster. All you need is a mason jar, water, glitter, glue and an old toy or tree ornament that can fit in the jar. Let your children get creative and come up with their own theme for the snow globe. Do they want the jar to stand straight up or lay on its side? Do they want to make it holiday themed or winter themed? Try using a set of mini mason jars to make a whole collection of snow globes. The options are endless! 

No Sew Snowman 

Who doesn’t love a cute snowman craft? This one from https://www.easypeasyandfun.com/no-sew-sock-snowman-craft/ is amazing because it’s simple, fun and solves the problem of what to do with those odd socks that don’t have a match. You’ll need a white sock for the snowman, a colorful sock for his hat, some rice, rubber bands and decorations of your choice. Let your child fill up the white sock with rice and tie with rubber bands to create the snowman’s body. Then get creative with the decorating! Glue on some buttons, paint a face, add a nose and maybe a ribbon scarf. This is where your child gets to be creative. Now take the colorful sock and cut it and roll it up so the toe portion looks like the point of the hat. That’s it, your snowman is ready to go!

Winter can feel long and a little endless. These crafts will keep everyone entertained as we wait for warmer days ahead.

Which craft will you try? Have any good ones of your own? Let us know in the comments! 

Keep Smilin’

Tori & Sarah