More to the Shore

More to the Shore

Summer isn’t complete without a trip down the shore! While it’s great to spend sunny days building sand castles and playing with the kids in the surf, there are many great educational spots that you should carve out time to visit. Here are a few of my favorites...
10 things I wish I knew before college

10 things I wish I knew before college

I, like many others, have spent my entire life wishing to be older. My parents always said that I was 2 going on 25. So, in elementary school I was ready to graduate high school and by middle school I was “prepared” for college. I watched YouTube videos for college...
Time Management for Parents

Time Management for Parents

Hi, I’m Rachel, the Director of Recruitment for TT2G, and I am writing this blog post for myself! A little about my background if you are new to our blog, I am a work-from-home mom of 3 littles under the age of 4. So time management is ALWAYS something I am...
Preparing for Finals

Preparing for Finals

It’s the end of the school year. You can feel it. The weather is better, everyone is a little more relaxed. Summer plans are beginning to develop, and you can’t wait! But there’s just one thing in your way…finals. One of the most dreaded times of the year. You’re...
Finish Out the School Year STRONG

Finish Out the School Year STRONG

Ideas to set up for success : )  As the end of the school year is approaching, we have come up with some easy ideas on how to set up your child for success.  We created this list from a teacher and parent perspective and hope you find these useful!  We wanted to make...