Jun 28, 2023 | Educational Resources
From a young age family members, friends, and teachers would often tell my parents that I was a leader. Maybe they saw it when I taught my little brother to hold the door for the person behind him or when I opened other kids’ snacks before opening my own. My...
Jun 22, 2023 | Educational Resources, Hands on Learning
With the weather here in the Philadelphia area calling for rain the next week or so, this post is the perfect reference to help keep the kids engaged and focus their energy in productive ways. We’ve pulled a go-to list of activities together for you! Dance...
Jun 13, 2023 | Educational Resources
You have a graduate! Congrats! You should be so proud of your child and all the hard work they did to reach this moment. So, how do you go about celebrating them and all their accomplishments properly? Well, we have some ideas for you. Get a Jump Start Decorate the...
May 23, 2023 | Educational Resources
I, like many others, have spent my entire life wishing to be older. My parents always said that I was 2 going on 25. So, in elementary school I was ready to graduate high school and by middle school I was “prepared” for college. I watched YouTube videos for college...
May 17, 2023 | Educational Resources, Executive Functioning
Hi, I’m Rachel, the Director of Recruitment for TT2G, and I am writing this blog post for myself! A little about my background if you are new to our blog, I am a work-from-home mom of 3 littles under the age of 4. So time management is ALWAYS something I am...
May 9, 2023 | Educational Resources
It’s the end of the school year. You can feel it. The weather is better, everyone is a little more relaxed. Summer plans are beginning to develop, and you can’t wait! But there’s just one thing in your way…finals. One of the most dreaded times of the year. You’re...