Photography Fun

Photography Fun

National Photography Day is today!  First and foremost, HUGE shout out to those super talented individuals out there who can capture candid moments, creating incredible memories, and who make you smile #nopunintended.  Photography has evolved over the years from the...
Family Activities

Family Activities

Instead of re-creating the wheel, I have attached my favorite family blog and activities for spring! Enjoy 🙂 Live.Laugh.Love, Jennifer
Matzo Meals : )

Matzo Meals : )

Happy Passover to all that celebrate.  Matzo, matzah, or matza is an unleavened flatbread that is part of Jewish cuisine and forms an integral element of the Passover festival, during which chametz is forbidden.  Matzah is a hard, cracker-like...
Create a Vision Board

Create a Vision Board

I am old school. Always have been, and probably always will be. Yes, I have a website, and yes I blog. And people think I’m really techy…but to be honest – I get help with all of that. I prefer the old school way. I make my hand written notes, I do my writing with...